mo’ meta = mo’ betta’?

today was the day when i looked into all of these things the hip kids are doing on that thar’ interweb and, lo and behold, i’ve been missing out. is what i’ve been missing all of my life: an app/site that tracks my listening habits and recommends new music based on other listeners with similar tastes. if you’re light-years ahead of me on this, befriend me so we can rock out some music-geek goodness. on that note, if you’re on virb, let me know: i’m all set up there, and haven’t found anyone i know, and being on a social site like that with no friends is kinda really depressing, so help a brotha’ out. i also opened a flickr account to start posting photos from the tour, and got kinda really wrapped up in organizing them and mapping them: i am an unabashed big fat geek. perfect things to do on a rainy day.


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